History Details
Electoral Regulations 1996
Part 4-Early, absent and provisional voting
16 Records of postal, absent and provisional votes to be made
11 November 2000 - 30 November 2000
16. Records of postal, absent and provisional votes to be made

(1) A presiding officer is to maintain records, in a form approved by the Electoral Commissioner, of ¾

(a) all early ballot papers received at the polling;

(b) the particulars of every person issued with a ballot paper for absent voting at the polling; and

(c) the particulars of every person issued with a ballot paper for provisional voting at the polling .

(2) At the close of the poll the presiding officer is to forward the records made under subregulation (1) ¾

(a) to the Returning Officer for the district or region as the case requires; or

(b) if so directed by the Electoral Commissioner or the Returning Officer for the district or region as the case requires, to the Electoral Commissioner,

by any means approved by the Electoral Commissioner.

[Regulation 16 amended in Gazette 10 November 2000 p.6167.]

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