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41810 October 1996 pp 5321-9241810 Oct 1996 p. 5321-92
RTF Name: L:\swans2\WorkDir\Electoral Regulations 1996 - 23.rtf Place holder for Tables (if any):
Start Date: 12/01/2000 End Date: 01/01/2999
Document Type : SEC Search Start Date: 36861
Index Entry : Electoral Regulations 1996\Part 4-Early, absent and provisional voting Search End Date: 401404
Electoral Regulations 1996
1 December 2000
Word Version
PDF Version

Part 4-Early, absent and provisional voting
18 Returning Officer to forward early, absent and provisional votes and records to Electoral Commissioner
18. Returning Officer to forward early, absent and provisional votes and records to Electoral Commissioner

The Returning Officer is to ¾

(a) compile a consolidated record in a form approved by the Electoral Commissioner of the records made under regulation 16; and

(b) forward the consolidated record to the Electoral Commissioner, together with the envelopes with early ballot papers, absent votes and provisional votes and the records, by any means approved by the Electoral Commissioner.

[Regulation 18 amended in Gazette 10 November 2000 p.6167.]

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