The Government of Western Australia

Original Acts as passed

'2013' List of Acts

001State Agreements Legislation Repeal Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
002Natural Gas (Canning Basin Joint Venture) Agreement Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
003Supply Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
004Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
005Duties Legislation Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
006Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
007Insurance Commission of Western Australia Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
008Hospitals and Health Services Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
009City of Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Trust Funds (Amendment and Expiry) Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
010Revenue Laws Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
011Fair Trading Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
012Criminal Code Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
013Family Court Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
014Restraining Orders Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
015Land Tax Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
016Appropriation (Consolidated Account) Recurrent 2013-14 Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
017Appropriation (Consolidated Account) Capital 2013-14 Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
018Dog Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
019Coal Industry Superannuation Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
020Courts and Tribunals (Electronic Processes Facilitation) Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
021Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
022Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
023Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
024Barrow Island Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
025Electricity Corporations Amendment Act 2013PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML