The Government of Western Australia

Original Acts as passed

'2017' List of Acts

012Appropriation (Capital 2017-18) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
011Appropriation (Recurrent 2017-18) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
004Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
009Constitution Amendment (Demise of the Crown) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
021Dangerous Sexual Offenders Legislation Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
010Domestic Violence Orders (National Recognition) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
016First Home Owner Grant Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
013Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) (Hamersley Range) Agreements Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
001Loan Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
005Local Government Amendment (Auditing) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
014Mineral Sands (Cooljarloo) Mining and Processing Agreement Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
003Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Methylamphetamine Offences) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
019Pay-roll Tax Amendment (Debt and Deficit Remediation) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
020Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment (Debt and Deficit Remediation) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
007Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
008Port Kennedy Development Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
015Railway (BBI Rail Aus Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
017School Curriculum and Standards Authority Amendment Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
006Statutes (Minor Amendments) Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
002Supply Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
018Western Australian Jobs Act 2017PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML