The Government of Western Australia

Workers' Compensation and Injury Management (Acts of Terrorism) Act 2001

(Where available versions as previously in force)
Consolidated VersionsCurrency start Currency end SuffixDownloadBuyCompare Buy
Workers' Compensation and Injury Management (Acts of Terrorism) Act 20011 Jul 2024Repealed01-c0-00PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
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Workers' Compensation and Injury Management (Acts of Terrorism) Act 200124 Oct 202330 Jun 202401-b0-02PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
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Workers' Compensation and Injury Management (Acts of Terrorism) Act 200119 Jan 200723 Oct 202301-a0-13PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML
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Workers' Compensation and Injury Management (Acts of Terrorism) Act 200114 Nov 200518 Jan 200700-b0-04PDFOfficial VersionWordWordHTMLHTML